Brexit news – live: Follow latest updates ahead of indicative votes in commons


A source in the European Research Group sends an extraordinary readout of tonight’s meeting.

“There was as ENORMOUS standing ovation for Steve Baker tonight. The first there’s been at one of these ERG meetings in three years.

“His voice was cracking with emotion, so much so that at the end he was hugged by Jacob [Rees-Mogg] and others at the top table. We are not a hugging group.”

Apparently “there is no way enough votes are coming out of that room” to put the Brexit deal through the Commons.

Steve Baker told the group of Tory Brexiteers: “I’m consumed with a ferocious rage after that pantomime…

“What is our liberty for if not to govern ourselves?

“Like all of you I have wrestled with my conscience about what to do?

“I could tear this place down and bulldoze it into the river. These fools and knaves and cowards are voting on things they don’t even understand.

“We’ve been put in this place by people whose addiction to power without responsibility has led them to put the choice of No Brexit or this deal.

“I may yet resign the whip than be part of this.”