Is Cider Fast Fashion?


Is Cider Fast Fashion?


Cider, an online fashion retailer based in Guangzhou, China, is a company worth considering when looking for a luxury item at a reasonable price. The name may be a mouthful, but the brand offers many products spanning a range of styles and price points. From trendy to casual, this clothing store boasts the latest fashion trends while keeping prices in check.

Cider Fast Fashion


Cider has a strong social media presence. It has a community on Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok. On top of that, it has been widely credited for its body-positive message. However, some shoppers question the quality of the items they buy. Moreover, the company only offers a few incentives to purchase sustainably. Buying something that’s made from organic cotton is going to be a costly undertaking.

On the other hand, the website needs to make it easier to figure out what you’re buying or where the items are made. Additionally, there is no information about the company’s sustainability practices, such as how the materials used are sourced, how the garments are made, or how the waste is recycled. This is a big deal, as the fashion industry is among the most polluting industries on the planet.

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The website also lacks any information on animal welfare or cruelty-free manufacturing practices. The About page, meanwhile, does not mention who started the company, what the company’s main product is, or any other pertinent facts.

The Cider site is also rife with errors. For example, the “Mi Morus Obs” about the company’s new eco-friendly policy does not exist, and the “Oso” about its “Mi Optic Symbol” is a page whose only link is the link to their “About Us” page. Another glaring oversight is that the most cost-effective ways to reduce a company’s carbon footprint must be described.

In addition to the usual suspects, the company also uses dropshipping to deliver its goods. In short, the company takes items from other fast-fashion retailers and slaps a label on them. Unfortunately, the brand does not have a fancy logo, which can lead to a lot of confusion on behalf of the consumer. To combat this, the retailer has a customer service department available at any time.

Despite its good intentions, the company doesn’t take the necessary steps to implement a sustainable model. As a result, the company’s sustainability plan is just a fancy way of saying that it will not commit to any particular sustainability initiatives.

One of the better things about the Cider website is that it offers frequent sales. If you want the best value for your buck, consider shopping there often. They also have a variety of reusable packaging bags. Lastly, the website’s sizing charts are frustrating, but they have a helpful “Plus Size” section. Aside from these shortcomings, the company has earned a place in my heart thanks to its unabashed commitment to trendiness and its willingness to tap into new markets and offer more affordable items than its mainstream competition.

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