In this video, we explain some of the key symptoms of insufficient sleep. So next time you’re gearing up for that late-night Netflix binge, remember that these annoying health hiccups could follow.

For one Twitter user, there is no such thing as the wrong side of the bed.

A tweet published last month by Twitter user @steveohrourke detailed how he and his partner don’t have one side of the bed they always sleep on at night.

“We were just chatting in work and apparently it’s weird that Amy and I don’t sleep on the same side of the bed every night,” he wrote. “Some nights I like to sleep by the window, some nights the door. It’s not really that unusual, is it?”

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In a subsequent tweet, he wrote this isn’t just the case of the couple taking turns with different sides of the bed. The first one in bed chooses their preferred side, and they move pillows as they swap. And it’s not something they do every night. 

That didn’t stop multiple users who have a favorite side of the bed from expressing complete disbelief.

Fortunately, @steveohrourke wasn’t completely alone. Some users joined in to share their love of swapping sides of the bed.

Meanwhile, another sleep trend of note: couples choosing to sleep in separate beds. A survey from the National Sleep Foundation found almost 1 in 4 married couples sleep in separate beds.

More: After Millennials ‘killed’ chain restaurants and bras, will this controversial piece of bedding be next?

Follow Brett Molina on Twitter: @brettmolina23.


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