Shows Like Younger | 8 Must See Similar TV Series
‘Younger’ is a comedy-drama series centered around the life of a 40-year old woman and the various problems she faces in her life. The central character of the show is Liza Miller. She is in a poor financial state owing to the fact that her former husband suffered from gambling addiction. His habits have left Liza with very little money. On top of that, her daughter Caitlin is pursuing her academic career in India. Thus, Liza has to find some source of income in order to support herself and Caitlin. She had always dreamt of working in a publishing house; but having no experience whatsoever, she has to start her career from being an intern and then slowly rising up the ranks. However, such a thing is quite difficult for a woman her age. In comes Liza’s friend Maggie, who takes up a challenge to make Liza look like a 26-year-old. Maggie’s efforts bear fruit, and soon, Liza ends up with a job in a company called Empirical Press. However, it becomes very difficult for a middle-aged woman to constantly act 26.
‘Younger’ is a TV Land original series. The show has received strong critical acclaim since it first started airing in 2015. It received 100% approval ratings on Rotten Tomatoes from Season 2 to Season 5, a feat achieved by only a select number of shows. If you enjoyed watching this show and are looking for more titles that explore similar ideas and themes, then you’ve come to the right place. Here’s the list of best shows similar to ‘Younger’ that are our recommendations. You can watch several of these series like ‘Younger’ on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime.
8. Sex And The City (1998-2004)
‘Sex And The City‘ is now more than just a popular TV show. It is a huge part of American popular culture. The series is actually inspired by a novel of the same name written by Candace Bushnell. The story centers around four women. They are the best of friends and always discuss every event of their lives with each other. All of them are in their late thirties or early forties. The series deals with the very personal issues these women face — involving their sex lives — and suggests in clear terms that questions regarding sex are common across all ages. The problems addressed in this show have become highly relevant in modern times. Issues of sexuality, safe sex, femininity, and promiscuity come up in ‘Sex And The City’ on various occasions. The show received positive responses from critics for its bold and socially pertinent choice of themes.
7. Bunheads (2012-2013)
This show is especially for the fans who have enjoyed Sutton Foster’s performance as Liza Miller in ‘Younger’. Foster plays the leading character, Michelle Simms, in the series ‘Bunheads’. Michelle started her career as a ballerina but ends up being a showgirl in Las Vegas. The series begins when she is performing in Vegas. Michelle has an admirer who loves her so much that he keeps on offering her a chance to marry him and step out of this business. Somewhat impulsively, Michelle decides to marry this guy and the couple moves to a small coastal town called Paradise, somewhere in Southern California. However, soon after they move to the town, Michelle’s husband dies in a road accident, leaving her with her mother-in-law. The series explores how the two women manage their life together, teaching in their own ballet school. The show was acclaimed by critics. Foster received heaps of praises for her performance as Michelle Simms.
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