Who is Michael Levonchuck?


Who is Michael Levonchuck?

If you’re wondering how Michael Levonchuck lives, there are several reasons. He served his country in the military for over 20 years and has spent most of his life living independently. He is now 58 years old and lives in Colorado Springs with his wife, Amber Levonchuck. This is the kind of lifestyle you can only see in movies and TV. But what do you know about this man?

Michael Levonchuck


The first time you hear about Michael Levonchuck, you probably think he’s a retired military officer. The fact is, he was once an Army official, but now he’s a businessman with his line of work. While his career as an army general has made him very successful, his lifestyle is anything but ordinary. He has many interests and is very open about his political views.

His girlfriend, Amber Rose, was married to Michael Levonchuck in 1983, but the couple divorced a few years later. His wife, Dorothy Rose, still lives with him and has two children. The couple is now a couple with their two kids. The Levonchucks have two daughters, but Amber Rose has broken all ties with her mother. Her name, of course, has become famous in the entertainment industry as an actress, model, and television host.

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